International Women's Day 2022
Tender heart foundation celebrated this year’s 2022 International Women’s Day on the 8th of March in Delta State, Nigeria, with some women dignitaries, young professionals, entrepreneurs and secondary school students in a town hall meeting at the palace of the ovie of ozoro kingdom in partnership with the queen of Ozoro kingdom, HRM Queen Ogbogbo Ofejiro who is the founder of Achievers mission foundation.
The theme was introduced in accordance with UN which is “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”, “Break the Bias”. Tender Heart Foundation recognizes the contribution of women and girls around the communities, who are leading the charge on climate change adaptation, mitigation, and response, to build a more sustainable future for all.”
IWD observance is in recognition and celebration of the women and girls who are leading the charge on climate change adaptation and response, and to honor their leadership and contribution towards a sustainable future.

Brief Introduction of guest and dignitaries was conducted by the representatives of THF and Achievers Mission Foundation, the chairman of Isoko north LGA in person of Hon. Emmanuel Egbabor, HRM Charity Mena Udogri (Queen of Uzere), HRM Urugbezi( Queen of Ellu), Mrs Cordelia Uzie, Hon Philip Odhomo, Princess Mary Igho Uyo, Hon High chief Miller Akpoele.

The Founder of Tender Hearts Foundation was introduced in person of Amb. Sally Othihiwa, and she spoke extensively on reasons why tearing down stereotypes, challenging discrimination and empowering the girls and women has to be a day-to-day concern for all, she buttressed that even the male gender especially from their young age are also attention worthy as proper parenting and core values impacted that disabuse the mind of the male gender and general public to carry down some of the stereotype treatment mended on the girl and women folk would contribute help to shape the society
In her concluding statement she encourages the girl child to believe in their abilities for women and mothers to nurture their children and prepare them for the future with the right mental altitude of self worth. To the youngster, she further stressed that there are exciting ways to live their dreams and achieve set goals other than engaging in acts they might not be proud of in the future.
The meeting came to end with some refreshment and group photograph with the participants