As our custom every December, this year 2023 was not different from other years of celebrating face of giving. This year face of giving was conducted in Ajegunle community on the 16th of December, 2023.
Where THF celebrated all our widows and underprivileged women in the society THF appreciated the Baale of community in Ajegunle for his support towards the success of the program, likewise other community leader.
The program start with opening prayer by one of the participant and the project supervisor in person of Mrs Olamide welcomes all the participant, introduction of the organization and all program activities conducted by THF was explained, from international women day, widow’s day, international day of the girl child, face of giving and Thrift cycle.

We appreciated all our donors who donated in kind and cash for the betterment of the women in the community.
Amb Dr Sally Othihiwa who was as well introduced as the founder and president for THF, she welcome all the participant ones again and speaks on violence against women and young girls She encourages them to avoid violence which will affect them in the future most especially their children, she explain extensively on violence and abuse After the talk question and answer was done, at the end of the session the women were medically test for free with the help of our partner Steer for change mother and newborn.
The program came to end with the distribution of food items like Rice, groundnut oil, golden penny product like noodles, macaroni, butter and chin chin.
50 underprivileged and widows where supported with food items