The International Day of the Girl (IDG) – observed annually on 11 October – is a global platform to advocate for the full spectrum of girls’ rights. This year, at a time when we are seeing a range of movements and actions to curtail girls’ and women’s rights and roll back progress on gender equality, we see particularly harsh impacts on girls. There is an urgent need for increased attention and resourcing for the key areas that enable girls to realize their rights and achieve their full potential.

Targeted and evidence-based investments in key areas that promote girls’ leadership and well-being are needed to secure their rights and development – in every setting and context. It is imperative to increase funding in key areas, including girls’ health, education, violence prevention, and economic empowerment. Such investments represent a critical step to realize girls’ rights under the Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). Moreover, the international community will not meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets without investing in adolescent girls who, when supported, deliver returns and powerful change for girls themselves, their families, communities and societies.

Today, more girls are attending school than before, which is great progress. However, women and girls still encounter many obstacles because of their gender and other factors like age, discrimination, poverty or cultural norms, which prevents them from getting good education. Education is not only a fundamental right but also a powerful tool for transforming lives. However, millions of girls worldwide still struggle to access quality education. The following rights are as follows
• Right to Life
• Right to Education
• Right to Healthcare
• Right to Protection